What truth is waiting to enter beyond the horizon of yourself? What mystery are you beyond? Show yourself!
Strength and resilience at their core are acceptance of yourself and your own journey. They are the fight within yourself for love not from others, but from within. The “monsters” within us are not what break our soul, but the reaction that they have within our souls and our hearts and our minds that keep us from the healing we all seek. For so long it was these things that the world could use as tools for my destruction. It was never my fault that others chose to do horrible things with my pain or with my vulnerabilities but what I can do to heal is to fully embrace my story and to become the queen of my own self care and my own love for me. I have never been broken, but only lacked the realization of my wholeness.In every chapter of my life there is a positive asset brought out even when all the eyes of reflection can see is pain.
RESPONDING to this prompt:
Email with Jukebox: The Horizon of Yourself in the subject line
Attach documented response: photos, audio files (only .mp3), video links via vimeo or youtube, written responses in the body of the email, etc.
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